
Monday 24 August 2015

Expdonaloaded News; Buhari’s corruption war: APC hits back at Ohanaeze

THE South East zonal chapter of All Progres­sives Congress (APC), has hit back at Ohanaeze Ndigbo, telling the apex Igbo socio-cultural or­ganisation to stop dese­crating the long standing Igbo tradition and their revered ancestors. The party’s reac­tion followed the call by Ohanaeze through its Secretary General, Dr. Joe Nwaorgu, for President Muhammadu Buhari to start the cor­ruption war with people around him, who were allegedly corrupt.
The APC, therefore, through its South-East spokesman, Mr. Osita Okechukwu, who is also a member of Ohanaeze, advised Igbo leaders who were defending former President, Goodluck Jon­athan, to respect the sanc­tity of the age-long Igbo tradition. He said: “Our worry is that the timeless Igbo tradition, which admon­ishes us not to steal, and not to defend nor associ­ate with rogues or even alleged rogues, is being flagrantly breached by prominent Igbo sons, crying more than Ijaw sons and daughters.post by expdonaloaded.blogspot.com... “We are yet to locate any sentence, where any of them, even our revered icon, erudite and consti­tutional lawyer, Profes­sor Ben Nwabueze in any form, denied the mind­less, pervasive and un­bridled corruption which governed former presi­dent, Jonathan’s regime. We stand to be corrected. Then, why splash us with the mud?” Okechukwu noted that the latest in the ultra-defence of Jonathan’s regime was the media statement credited to the Ohanaeze secretary gen­eral, Dr. Nwaorgu, who said there were corrupt people around President Buhari and urged him to cast his eyes around him and get those who were parading to be in the same party with him, but do not have the same pedigree in terms of de­cency like him. Okechukwu described Nwaorgu’s statement as a complete, “hate-speech,” adding that if he truly placed Igbo interest above his personal inter­est, he failed to take into account President Bu­hari’s profound statement in that regard. The APC spokesman, therefore, said that his party was surprised that Chief Nwaorgu on one hand, agreed with the decency pedigree and in­tegrity quotient of Presi­dent Buhari, while on the other hand, accused him of partiality. “Is this not a paradox? Just as how he deliberate­ly botched the meeting between Ohanaeze Ndig­bo and Mr President, fol­lowing the request let­ter of November 2014, where President Buhari wanted to chat the way forward with Ndigbo. “May we appeal to Chief Joe Nwaorgu and his cohorts, if actually the interest of Ndigbo is what they are fighting for, to climb down from their high horses, drop their ancient stereotypes and stop the hate narratives and embrace the true po­sition that Ndigbo stand to gain more from Presi­dent Buhari’s regime if ever we gained from our massive support for for­mer President Jonathan,” Okechukwu said.

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