
Monday 9 March 2015

Obasanjo, you need to tame your temper

Olusegun-Obasanjo-NEW-600x402After a private research on the Obasanjo phenomenally con­troversial personality, it has become a desideratum to write this letter to you. And, since letter-writ­ing is your familiar terrain, I do hope you will accept this one in good faith.

You have always claimed that you love Nigeria. At least, this has been your con­stant mantra. Therefore, this letter is about how you should let peace be your watch­word. Hans Christian Andersen in his preface to Works said: “Every man’s life is a fairy-tale written by God’s fingers.” In­deed, Baba Obasanjo, your life has been a fairy-tale.

Not too long ago, a retired army general (name withheld) made a thought-provok­ing remark that you have always benefitted from unmerited favours and the misfortune of others. Another way of saying this is that you have always reaped where you did not sow.
After a critical review of President Good­luck Jonathan’s meteoric rise to power and fame, one could safely conclude that the tapestry of your life bears uncanny resem­blance except that one is haughty while the other is humble. That is a topic for another day.
In January 1970, you became an instant hero when the Biafrans laid down their arms and renounced secession after an unnecessary 30-month bloody civil war. Since you were the General Officer Com­manding of the famous 3rd Marine Com­mando when the momentous event hap­pened, you lapped up all the accolades and took the glory. You conveniently ignored or forgot the brave exploits of patriotic of­ficers like Benjamin Adekunle, Godwin Alabi-Isama and Alani Akinrinade.
As the icing on the cake, you authored My Command, a quixotic book that took your readers on an esoteric journey in the swamps and mangroves of Biafra. But, we have now learnt from a very credible source that you were nowhere near Ihiala, the final battle theatre, when General Akin­rinade and his men pounded Biafra into submission.
In 1976, when you were invited to be­come Head of State after General Murtala Mohammed was brutally assassinated by some military renegades, you demurred, dew-eyed, and declared that it was not your Will to rule. Really?
In 1978, you visited the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University) and decided to bully everybody simply because the angry students demanded that “Ali Must Go.” As a student then, I watched in awe as you furiously stormed out of the campus shunning all entreaties, with swashbuckling bravura.
In 1979, shortly before the presidential election, you “prophesied” that the best candidate between Alhaji Shehu Shagari and Chief Obafemi Awolowo will not win. Indeed, the best candidate did not win, all thanks to your remarkable clairvoyance. When Chief Emeka Odumegwu Ojukwu described Chief Awolowo as “the best President Nigeria never had,” you chose to pillory the late sage by describing him as a man who laboured unsuccessfully all his life to achieve what you got on a platter of gold.
Baba Obasanjo, do you derive orgasmic joy in running people down and making en­emies for yourself?
In 1993, you described Ibrahim Babangi­da’s regime as “a fraud”. In the heat of the annulment of the June 12, 1993 election, you dismissed the presumed winner, Mo­shood Abiola as “not the Messiah.” You also derided Wole Soyinka as a man “who constantly stumbles with his tongue.” You named your agricultural concern, “Temper­ance Farm”, but, your own fiery temper is legendary.
Goodluck Jonathan and Ayodele Fayose were anointed sons in whom you were well pleased. Today, both men have become your worst nightmares. Buruji Kasamu used to wine and dine at your Abeokuta Hilltop Mansion. The young, ebullient man has suddenly become “a criminal”. Haba!
You openly insulted an anointed man of God whom you disparaged as “Pastor my foot”. Paradoxically, after putting the pas­tor down, you went back to school and en­rolled to read Theology, possibly to become a pastor.
To cap it all, you recently desecrated your membership card of the PDP-the platform that made you president for eight years. After the shameful act, you crowned yourself a “statesman”, definitely not in the mould of Nelson Mandela or Julius Nyer­ere. I could go on and on to recount more bizarre events in your enigmatic life. But, let me humbly enjoin you at this juncture to listen to the words of wisdom as espoused by the Holy Bible. I believe the Lord will minister unto your soul.
Baba Obasanjo, “starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam: so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out” – Proverbs 17:14
“A wise man fears the Lord and shuns evil, but a fool is hot headed and reckless” – Proverbs 14:16
“Do not keep company with a hot-tem­pered man or get involved with one dis­posed to rage” – Proverbs 22:24
“The one who is quick to anger acts fool­ishly” – Proverbs 14:17
“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall” – Proverbs 16:18
“The one slow to anger is better than a mighty man, and the one controlling his temper than one conquering a city” – Prov­erbs 16:32
“A man’s wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offence.” – Proverbs 19:11
More than any other person in this coun­try, dead or alive, the Lord has been kind and faithful to you despite your many flaws. You have ruled our dear country for a total of 11 years. What else do you want in life? You have this unsavoury, cocky attitude that you are wise and every other person is foolish. Baba Obasanjo, beware. The Lord hates the man who stirs dissension among brothers. I urge you today to go and make peace with all your perceived enemies be­fore it is too late. You must eschew malice. You must tame your temper.
Finally, Proverbs 21:23 says: “He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamit.” May the peace of the Lord abide with you. It is well.

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