
Thursday 20 August 2015

Expdonaloaded News;Is real,Shameless Married Pastor Caught Servicing His Female Member In The Church...

A supposed man of God, Prophet Femi Oseni, has been exposed by his wife, Doris, as a sex pervert who sleeps with his female church members, married and single.The 42-year-old woman who is an Evangelist in her husband's church, opened up in a divorce suit she filed before a Customary Court in Ondo town, Ondo State, that she had caught her husband of 12 years several times with other women but that the last straw that broke the Camel's back was when she caught him having sex with another woman on the floor of the church office.
Evangelist Doris wants the court to dissolve her marriage on the ground of adultery, desertion and lack of love on the part of the husband.post by expdonaloaded.blogspot.com..

She revealed to the court that her husband’s behaviour towards her changed after seven years of their marriage with no child, and since then, he threw caution to the wind and has been sleeping with different women, most of whom were members of his congregation.

She narrated that on the day she caught her husband in the final act, he had left home to an unknown destination and was not seen for several days and then decided to go looking for him. She then traced her husband to his church in a village not far from Ondo town where she caught him red handed having sex on the floor of the church office with one of the women in the church.

As a result of this, she said she was fed up of the relationship and prayed the court to separate them.
Doris also accused the husband of having a child out of wedlock, who she said was a product of his extra-marital affairs.

But the 45-year-old Prophet Oseni pleaded with the court not to dissolve the marriage, saying he still loved the woman, whom he described as a virtuous woman that had been taking care of him since he married her.

But the President of the Court, Joshua Adunbi, would not buy his plea as he said that with the words and body language of the woman, she was no longer interested in the marriage, and therefore dissolved it accordingly.

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