
Monday 3 August 2015

Expdonaloaded News; Confessions of a 24-year-old student: 600 men slept with me in one Year

Confessions of a 24-year-old student: 600 men slept with me in one Year Confessions How would you describe a lady who slept with over 600 men in one year? You certainly won’t be wrong if you call her a sex machine or queen of sex. Twenty-four-year-old Be­atrice Okeke (not real name), a student of a vocational institute in Owerri, the capital of Imo State, performed the feat, as it were. Indeed, for Beatrice, sex is a way of life, a daily routine.
According to her, she resorted to using what she has to get what she needs when her boyfriend who was sponsoring her education abandoned her following lies told against her by jealous friends. “My boyfriend whom I met at Onitsha, Anambra State when I went to visit an un­cle was sponsoring my education. We had agreed to get married as soon as possible. Then some people I regarded as friends started peddling wicked lies against me and without confirming if what they were saying was true or false, he called it quits just like that. They told him I had an incur­able disease. So, I decided to help myself because my parents cannot do anything for me. We are poor. My father used to be a driver but he is now a lumber jack while my mother is a full time housewife. Sometimes, she sells vegetables, ” she explained. She said that when her boyfriend walked out of the relationship, she got a job in the bar section of a hotel but her take-home pay could barely take her any­where. So, one day, she went to a night­club with her friends and a man took her to his hotel room. The following morning, the man gave her N15,000 for services rendered and she was hooked. Consider what she said: “They were paying me N10,000 a month and you work late hours. But if you go out to hustle in the night, you can get that kind of mon­ey within a day or two. About 600 men slept with me from last year to this year.” But Beatrice is now singing a different tune. She said that she later discovered that prostitution is not as lucrative as she had thought. She said that she is tired of warming men’s bed every night, adding that she wants to settle down. Below is excerpt of the conversation she had with the reporter: How far? I’m not fine Wetin dey do you? I’m really broke How do you mean? I don’t have money to take care of myself. What happened to all the money you’ve been making? Which money? From your night outings I don’t have any money, please. So, you were doing it for free? Not like that; there is not much money in it. So, I’m not going anywhere again. I’m looking for true love. The one that will take good care of me. How much were you making per night? Sometimes N5,000 or more. Sometimes a man will sleep with you and in the morn­ing he will start telling you stories, saying he has no money. In such situation what do you do? What can you do? You just go home. When did you start hustling? Last year. About how many men have you slept with? About 600 men slept with me from last year to this year. How many since you started? That is all, sir. Are you truly promising that you won’t do prostitution again? Yes, I promise. How many abortions have you done? Two times. I’m telling you the truth. Help is on the way and only the truth can set you free. How many times? Two times. Do you have children? No. None at all? Yes. How many times have you been to native doctors? I have not been there. Do you really mean that you slept with only 600 men from last year to this year? Yes. Can you remember the first time you had sex? How? I don’t understand. The first time you slept with a man Ok, 2009. The person was your boyfriend? Not really a friend. How? He impregnated me and left me. I was in SS3. That happened in 2009. How old were you when he got you pregnant? 18 years. My final year in secondary school. Did you complete secondary school? Yes. Did you abort the pregnancy? Yes. You did it in a hospital or chemist shop? Yes, in a hospital. The man gave me money to abort it. How much? N15,000 Who took you to the hospital? My girlfriend. How old was the pregnancy? One month. Did you tell your parents about the pregnancy? No. How long did you date the man? He was not my friend. So, what happened? My girlfriend and I were going to my uncle’s place in Asaba but somehow, I lost the address of the place. So we were stranded that night; we didn’t know what to do. We now met the man and told him what happened to us. He now accommo­dated us in his house. That night, he gave me food to eat. The following day I left. I did not know I was pregnant. Did he rape you? Something like that. The food I ate made me sleep off. Was he the first man to sleep with you? Yes. Your girlfriend also slept in the same house Yes, with the guy’s friend. His friend slept with your friend? I don’t know. She did not tell me. When did you get pregnant for the second time? Who did it? My boyfriend. Where? Owerri He asked you to abort it? No. He wanted to marry me but I don’t like him for marriage. How old was the pregnancy be­fore the abortion? One month. Do you like sex? Please, why are you asking me all these questions? No. I don’t. But I will for my loved one. Hope you are now using con­doms? Yes. When last did you do it without condom? Please, I can’t remember Have you done HIV test? Yes. When? Last two months. Why? Did you suspect that you were infected? How? No. Why did you go for the test? Nothing. I just went. There must be a reason for doing that. Tell me the truth Ok. A man came to seek my hand in marriage. That was why I went. Why didn’t you marry him? I don’t like him. You don’t like him, yet you went to do the test. Tell me the truth Sir, I’m telling you the truth. Why did you go for the test when you knew that you didn’t like the man? Nothing; I just went. How much did you save from hustling? I don’t have any money, please. What did you do with the money you made? I used it to take care of my school fees, house rent and myself. How much are your school fees and house rent? My school fees is N20,000 while my house rent is N100,000 a year. It is a self-contain apart­ment but I have a roommate. Do you go to church? Yes. I do. After sleeping with a man in a hotel at night, you go to church in the morning? Not always. Why did you stop hus­tling? I’m tired of it. Is it because you are no longer making enough money? It’s not like that. I want to settle down. I’m tired. You are tired of everyday sex? Yes. I want to marry. I need God’s help in my life. But you are still select­ing? I’m not selecting. I need true love. Help is on the way Amen. If a man offers you like N20,000 for a night, will you reject it? Yes. I’m tired. Please sir, I need help. I only look up to God for help. When was the last time you went out on business? I can’t remember the date but it was on a Sunday. I think it was in May. So, no amount of money can make you do it? Yes sir. That’s good I want to settle down. Will you confess to your husband when you marry that you slept with more than 600 men in one year? Yes. If he is the one that will understand me, I will. You will confess before or after marriage? Before. When you were active in the business, you used to sleep with several men in a day? Maybe. Have you slept with two men at once? No. I don’t do that. Do you sleep with your fellow students and teach­ers? No. Have you ever made love with a woman? No. Is your roommate also a student-prostitute? No. But she has a boyfriend. And she doesn’t advise you? No. But she knows that you sleep around? Yes. Her parents are rich. Your parents don’t ask you how you are managing in school? I tell them that my boyfriend is helping me. Who is your best friend? Girl or boy? Nobody. Na God. Were you into blow jobs? I don’t understand you. Were you giving your customers blow jobs? I’m not feeling fine. I’m very sick. Answer the question No. Please stop. Answer. Do you charge extra for blow jobs? Please, I don’t know what to say to you. Were you into blow jobs? Yes. But not all customers. Those who ask for it? No. if I like, I do it. Do you charge extra for that? No. Why do you want to know? Do you enjoy it? No. Why then were you doing it? I just feel like doing it some times. How does sperm taste? Please can you tell me why you are asking me all these questions? Please, I don’t know. I know that I need help from God but I don’t want to answer this kind of questions. Is the girl you travelled to Asaba with also a prosti­tute? Please I don’t know. She is a student. Which school? Unilag. Have you ever been ar­rested by the police? No. I want to link you with an NGO that rehabilitates prostitutes. Your life will be turned around. How? I don’t understand. Hmmm. Me? Permanent solution to your problem Prostitutes? That means you don’t like me. Ladies looking for men to sleep with are called pros­titutes or harlots. You were doing that Yes I know. But not now. Ok. You are a retired prostitute No. I’m not a prostitute.

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