
Thursday 13 November 2014

Nigeria Now Seeking Russian Arms After US Embarg

arms-ammunitionAfter the recent embargo placed by the United States on Nigeria from buying arms, reports are stating that Nigeria is now looking to Russia.

According to a TheNation report, Nigeria has turned her eyes towards Russia to supply her with better weapons to fight off the terrorist organization called Boko Haram.
Russia is yet to agree to Nigeria’s request as the military has opted for more aerial bombardments of insurgents than infantry encounters.
The aerial strikes have been helpful in taking out insurgents who are said to be good in ambush and guerrilla warfare.
A delegation has already been flown to Russia to negotiate a deal for the equipments and machines.
A source said that Nigeria aims to order for war planes, helicopters plus other equipment.
The source said: “The US has refused to sell arms and lethal equipment to Nigeria to prosecute the war against Boko Haram.
“The US, instead, prefers to concentrate on assistance to Nigeria to consolidate its democracy.
“We have had pilots trained in the US. We train our military pilots in the US. They come to Nigeria for conversion.
The Federal Government has no choice than to look elsewhere for war planes, helicopters and lethal equipment against Boko Haram insurgents.
“We have opened up negotiation with Russia for arms bailout. We want to buy military hardwares from them.”
Nigeria has been battling Boko Haram since 2009.
Boko Haram has killed over 5000 innocent civilians in the country alone since 2009.

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