
Tuesday 10 November 2015

Expdonaloaded News; The significance of Onyeama’s ministerial nomination

SINCE 1999 till date, the Nigerian political landscape has presented a more greed-driven struggle for wealth and power against the popular expectations of the people for good governance. Aspiration to position of authority from councillor to President is such a painstaking one with varying degrees of intrigues and ruthlessness. It has been fraught with pathetic stories of over-ambitious men who were driven by cravings for wealth and power against responsible leadership. The same agitators for democracy that cried and vehemently oppose the military interregnums turned out to be- come serial oppressors.

Unfortunately, our 16 years of democracy have been characterized by an upsurge of self-styled change-agents who after winning elections or upon securing appointments turned brutal democrats and end up enslaving the entire populations that elected them. These negate the oath of office as they engage in fast-track personal luxuries, adventures, fortunes and primitive acquisition of wealth thereby diverting public funds meant for the development of infrastructure and other socioeconomic safety nets. The ordinary Nigerians are the worst hit as they are left to starve to death or live in penury leaving environment overwhelmed with huge infrastructural deficit. In like manner, the same experience plays out in political appointments especially the ministerial appointments where its past records presented scenarios as if whistle was blown for intense grab-grab tendency before the watch of the anti-corruption agencies.
One outstanding example of where preparation meets opportunity is Geoffrey Oneyama’s nomination which rationally, as a result of presidential farewell to the prevailing conquest by few forces that hitherto befell lists of ministerial appointments. Even as it may have sparked some tinge of surprises to many discerning and biased politicians in his home state, Enugu, which he has since been con- firmed awaiting portfolio, one thing is very clear. That is, that accessing the position of a Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria across states which before now enjoyed its notoriety with long affinity to monopoly of influential political powers that be, is over.
Against the barrage of several name-dropping of possible candidates in the state, penultimate week, it was more or less another reenactment of same names and perceived political stereotypes that only exist in the political psyche and orientation of the people. Such has dominated the inkling of many and has become a resident in their perception of get- ting to some top political positions in the state. Over the past decade, I have been following a cohort of ministerial nominees from the state making their ways through what could be described as exclusive, recycling and domineering attitude of nomination. It is sacrificed solely on the altar of appreciating political god-fathers against the letters and spirit of merit or equity, an inflection point that has predisposed these groups of desperadoes to career politicians who surreptitiously lobby for its juicy perks like their personal businesses. Unfortunately, the deluge of protests does not even challenge the con- science of our leaders to rethink and keep the lines open for inclusive participation and equity, but the trend is over. Experience has shown that such group of internationally revered technocrats hired in the past like the Iweala’s, the Aganga’s, the Adesina’s have eminently performed beyond our expectations
Penultimate weeks, the social media went viral with first that Enugu State was not named in the list submitted by the presidency. Apparently coming from a group that has already in their mind penciled a preferred local candidate for the ministerial position. On the other hand, Geoffrey Onyeama’s nomination has sparked off several prevarications alleging his friendship with the presidency which even beyond common sense, the exercise remains 100 percent a Presidential prerogative. Also, it was in line with Mr. President’s decision to keep the candidates to his hearts and sole control against several interests, perhaps due to experiences in the past. It is also an indication that even the pedigrees of many Nigerians in the Diaspora are under watch and can be appreciated as seen in Onyeama’s nomination. Interestingly, one may also deduce that net- working and creating a fabric of responsible personal contacts which most of us either neglect out of frustration or underutilized due to nonchalance can also pay, in our clime. And essentially that the era of state or party influencing a ministerial candidate is over.
Very little progress was recorded from the army of ministers that made their way into the position in over 16 years of our democratic experiment in terms of corresponding productivity because actors were hired to play scripts and follow unpopular customs and self-centered traditions that had been wrongly smuggled in from time to time; a dangerous norm at that. With the saying that Heaven knows how to put a proper price tag on its goods, the era of ’true game changer’ beckoned with the current Ministerial list which especially found expression precisely in the character of the Enugu State nominee.

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