
Monday 14 September 2015

Expdonaloaded News; Building a quality relationship with Yahuah (GOD) is my ultimate goal byAlex obomanu

Building a quality relationship with Yahuah (GOD) is my ultimate goal, since I came back from the Conference.Yahushua (JESUS CHRIST)is all that I want and desire, because the Bride is making herself ready.My friends it is no joke, if you are playing games with Yahuah and playing Church falsehood, stop and build a Loving relationship with Yahushua, walk in Obedience, Righteousness and Holiness, then you can testify and standout for Him in this pervert and ungodly generation.
Yahuah Loves you and the Spirit and the Bride say COME.
The door of heaven is open so wide,
Jesus is calling you with his hands
so wide,
Escape there is danger, my people
why will you die, my son give me
Your heart.

This maybe, this maybe your own
Last chance, today it may be your
own last chance, your own Last
chance You may regret in Hell.

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