
Monday 14 September 2015

Expdonaloaded News; Air strikes: More insurgents, panic, surrender –Army

THE military says scores of terrorists in the North-East have continued to surrender to troops in the frontline due to sustained offensive by ground troops and pre-emp­tive air strikes by Nigerian Air Force. A statement issued on Sunday in Abuja by the act­ing Army Director of Public Relations, Col. Sani Usman, said more terrorists have also indicated willingness to lay down arms. Sani said ground troops had also adopted routes-blocking strategy in a bid to `constrict and snuff out’ Boko Haram terrorists from their hideouts.
“Many of the terrorists willingly surrendered paint­ed images of mass panic and hysteria among their erstwhile colleagues. “They said their col­leagues were feeling the noose tightening on their necks with the relentless ef­forts of troops and renewed vigour in the operations in­spired by the personal lead­ership of the Chief of Army Staff. “Terrorists also seem to have an inkling of what happens to surrendered sus­pects as regards screening and de-radicalisation of in­nocent ones among them,’’ it said. Sani said the Nigerian Army, in conjunction with the Nigerian Air Force, and other security agencies, would continue to employ effective strategies to bring the insurgency to a speedy end. It said the military would continue to receive surren­dering suspects and assured innocent ones among them that ‘surrendering is the only option open’ to them.

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