
Monday 1 June 2015

MY CONFIRMATION CLASS OF 2015 ( Franklin Okere )

"Catechist Franklin" they call me. Sometime I just laugh at the title. For some of us, we walk around with an inflated sense of what it means to be a teacher of Faith and fail to stand in as a role model for these young ones. On the other side, people quickly assume that being a catechist is about being someone who has already arrived at spiritual perfection.
Most times when I look in the mirror; I see a person with glaring shortcomings and weaknesses—limited knowledge, maybe a bad temper, slightly impatient with others, a lack of trust in the love of God....... basically, a complete mess. In fact, I sometimes think I'm so weak and so ill-equipped that I look as bad as . . . the Apostles!..post by expdonaloaded.blogspot.com..Jesus didn’t build his ministry around those with encyclopedic knowledge of Judaism or all sorts of public acclaim as leaders of the community; in fact, those were the very people who gave him fits! Why do I assume it’s different now? Rather than seeing myself as a role model for my candidates, I think of myself as my candidate’s companion on their journey of faith. I may have a little more experience than they do—that’s why I'm aware of my shortcomings—but I still share the same human and spiritual hungers, the same search for meaning, the same struggles with the human condition, the same hope for relief from all the hurts and hurdles of life. And, of course, the same deep hope that in Jesus we can find our salvation from all the things that keep us from fullness of life.
One special thing I've learnt from this class is that they needed me to be myself around them all the time; I cared deeply and I taught strictly in order for them to embrace the teachings of God and the Church with all seriously. I pray they all remain steadfast in their faith and that they individually encounter and experience the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit in its fullness.
Please keep them in your prayers as they embark on the continuation of their Christian journey.

Click photo to download; but you lied to me by Expdona aka finish gravity

Mr Expdona ft Marvel..But u lied to me

Expdonaloaded blog;Click the photo to download aboki wey d suya by Expdona aka finish gravity


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