
Thursday 11 June 2015

Expdonaloaded News; Nigerians lack maintenance culture –Building experts

Ebute Meta collapsed buildingThe alarming level of infrastructure decadence in the country is due to lack of budgetary provi­sion, a facility manage­ment expert has said.

The programme Director, International Fa­cility Management Asso­ciation (IFMA), Mr. Col­lins Osayamwen, made the observation yesterday in Abuja during the 2015 World Facility Manage­ment Day, with the theme: Building Resilience for The Future.He said the only main­tenance Nigerians un­derstood was breakdown maintenance, which he said was due to lack of proper planning and bud­getary provision.post by expdonaloaded.blogspot.com..His words: “The rea­sons we are unable to maintain our infrastruc­ture, not even from gov­ernment alone, but even private, is because from the beginning, we get it all wrong.”He said the inability of the engineers, builders, and architects to work together with facility managers contributed im­mensely to infrastructure decay in the country.“The kind of mainte­nance we know in Nige­ria is breakdown main­tenance, until it fails you don’t care whether it needs service or not.“Unfortunately, we don’t have any budget­ary provision to ensure that these facilities are managed and maintained. What we know how to do is to run from pillar to post when we have a crisis on our hands. Until we are able to give it its rightful place, we will continue to see this level of decay in our infrastructure,” he said.The programme direc­tor lamented that though facility management was yet to be recognised as a profession at the moment, the organisation was mak­ing effort to ensure that the body was recognised by the law.

Click photo to download; but you lied to me by Expdona aka finish gravity

Mr Expdona ft Marvel..But u lied to me

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