
Wednesday 20 May 2015

Expdonaloaded News; Ngige pays tribute to Chukwumerije

ngige chrisSenator representing Anambra Central Senatorial District, Chris Nwabueze Ngige, has said shock was a minimal word to express his state of mind when he received the news of the death of Senator Uche Chukwumerije, who died last month.

In a letter he personally signed and made available to Daily Sun, Ngige said death was inevitable and a mystery that only God understands. He likened the deceased to a lion, recalling that when he roared Nigerians listened.Ngige eulogised further that Chukwumerije was a legislator par excellence that was always present during the Senate sessions, adding that Nigeria was privileged to have produced such a gentle giant.post by expdonaloaded.blogspot.com..“As the leader of the South East Caucus in the Senate, he gave his time and energy for the Igbo nation.“As the Senate Committee chairman on Education, he put education of our children before and above everything else. Before all of these, he was unabashedly in the front lines, as an activist and a progressive, in the quest for social justice and democracy in Nigeria.
“Now, the curtain has fallen, and the lion will roar no more, but Nigerians will not forget in a hurry that Chukwumerije was here. Nigeria will be worse off because of his demise, but, we must be consoled that he is now in a better place with Angels in the bosom of our Lord,” the statement read in part.https://scontent-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/1016389_645192578932648_5086123173362135238_n.jpg?oh=0e7da362842a78d9c0eb14937fe17eaf&oe=55C56AAB

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