
Wednesday 20 May 2015

Expdonaloaded News; ‘Why friends abandoned Jonathan

-A body known as the Corporate Friends of President Jonathan (CFPJ) has replied the president in his recent statement that his friends have abandoned him after losing the election in March.

The group told Expdonaloaded blog in Abuja yesterday that with the massive support they gave the president, they did not expect that the administration would not fulfill its promises of making some core sectors viable.
The body said: “We had high hopes that the power sector would be made reliable. That total deregulation of the oil and gas downstream sector would have been a reality and that incentives would be provided to make the economy pick up faster. But after all these, all we got were promises. There are many of us that did works for the government and have not been paid even when we have access to facts of the economy that the Federal Government has the capacity to pay..post by expdonaloaded.blogspot.com..“Some of us have even contacted the president in person because he knows many of us. We felt the government was for all of us and for better economy at the beginning.”and that is why we raised funds to support his administration and re-election, but we never got any positive response or reward even when we were promised and also expected speedy re-invention of the economy.”
Presenting a statement of the body, Mr. Damian Onyeoma and Chief Ehizojie Godson, who signed it stated: “If that is the fate of key economy players that supported the president, most of whom would not want their names mentioned, we believe the same would have happened to politicians who were close to the president.”Onyeoma and Godson said many people that devoted their time and other resources to support Jonathan were abandoned and most of them owed huge amount of money in contracts, oil subsidy payments and other services. When many have approached him and written the Finance Minister, nobody listened to them and Mr. President acts like he is unable to order the ministry to pay them even when they have the documents to back their claims, yet those that do shady deals are paid.
“That must be the reason the PDP national Chairman has said severally that the party and Mr. President should drop the use-and-discard culture and reward those that genuinely work for the growth of the nation.”https://scontent-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/1016389_645192578932648_5086123173362135238_n.jpg?oh=0e7da362842a78d9c0eb14937fe17eaf&oe=55C56AAB

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