
Tuesday 26 May 2015

Expdonaloaded News; Patience Jonathan can lead Nigeria

EgwuSince leaving office as First Lady of Ebonyi State in 2007, Mrs. Eunice Egwu has been taking care of widows in the state, under her pet-project, called Widowcare Foundation. She also organises annual party for them where all participants are entitled to cash and several gift items.
In this interview, she speaks about the foundation and Nigerian women in politics, and concludes that the outgoing First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, has all it takes to lead Nigeria comfortably and effectively as president.

 It is evident that your husband still enjoys large followership since leaving office as governor. Now that he is joining the Senate, what backing will you give him to enable him represent his people well?
Actually, he already enjoys immense love and backing of our people. So, I will only join mine with them to make the backing more formidable. He is assured of my total backing, spiritual and otherwise, as always. We were so humbled during the campaigns because whenever his name was mentioned at the rallies, jubilation enveloped the entire arena. But the challenge is that many people who come to me think that he is going to function as governor again, and they expect him to start doing those things that he did for them as governor.
Nigerian women have been nursing the ambition to become president of Nigeria, but their ambition hit the rocks again during the 2015 general elections. Do you think that female presidency can offer the country better governance?
First of all, female presidency is possible in this country. But that can only be when our people begin to realise that our women really have the capacity and optimum ability to think good for the country and take Nigeria to the next level.
Looking at the past First Ladies and female public office holders in the country, do you think that we have had any woman that has all it takes to lead Nigeria as president?
You know that governance is all about the people. I believe that even as we speak, we have several women that can lead Nigeria very comfortably and perfectly. But we are still transforming. I am certain that, gradually, we shall get there. The late Dora Akunyili proved that she could handle graciously the mantle of leadership and carry people along. The late Mariam Babangida also exhibited all needed charisma and capacity to lead a country like Nigeria. And even though, some people might have reservations about the current First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, she can lead this country comfortably well.
You mean that Mrs Jonathan can lead Nigeria well as president?
Yes, she can. She might have her shortcomings but the truth is that no human being is without shortcomings. Those who do not know her well may say all sorts of things about her, but if you go close to her, you would realise that she has all the qualities of a good leader. She is a very intelligent woman, an organiser, an innovative leader and someone who cannot be swallowed up by rumours or castigation. She has given the Nigerian woman political voice and relevance.post by expdonaloaded.blogspot.com. A good leader is supposed to be always courageous, resolute, a goal-getter and motivator. That is the First Lady for you. She knows how to carry people along, and she appreciates the importance of motivation. She never abandons her friend or subordinates at difficult times. We all witnessed what she did during the presidential campaigns – adding immense colour to the entire exercise. The thing is that it is when you give people opportunity that you know their abilities. She is not the only one. There are more Nigerian women, who can make wonderful presidents – who are so human and diligent and always think about the welfare of the people, especially the common and the less-privileged ones.
What about you? With the strong followership that you enjoy, would you wait till your husband retires before you join politics formally?
(Laughter) What bothers me now is how to sustain my business and be able to take care of the widows and less-privileged. For me, that is more than I can chew. As ordinary person, I hardly find time to rest. Where then do you expect me to get the chance to play politics?
How would you rate the success of the 2015 Widowcare party?
I would say that it was a nice outing as usual. What we did was just to encourage them; not that we have the capacity to solve their problems. It is only God that can solve human problems. The basic aim of the annual special get-together is to make them feel happy and unwind, and for them to know that some people care for them. It is also designed to take care of them spiritually by counselling them, praying with them and making them to realise that somebody is praying for them. So, we basically celebrate the widows at the annual party so they can enjoy themselves and forget their sorrows, at least, for 24 hours. That way, they will not feel that all hope is lost because their husbands are dead. No, life continues. One thing about life is that no matter the situation, life continues. And our goal is to ensure that their tomorrow turns much better than their yesterday and present.
It was noticed that the number of participants has continued to rise every year, yet you keep stepping up the tempo of the event. Do you now have strong sponsors?
Honestly, it would have been a nice thing if we have partners or sponsors like you noted. But we do not have yet, apart from items that some individuals used to contribute to support our annual parties. And I am so appreciative of all the support that we got this year and during previous editions. For instance, somebody brought fifty pieces of wrappers and another person brought thirty. We are praying and wishing for sponsors and strong supporters, but I don’t want to keep waiting for sponsors eternally. I will continue to do my best within my capacity. Even if I have to do it with the last money in my hands, I would still invest in it, knowing that the God I serve will always provide for me.
How did you come about the idea of starting Widowcare Foundation, which is today being copied by many First Ladies?
I started the foundation before I became the First Lady. I can’t really tell how it exactly started because I started taking care of widows as a kid. As a young girl, I was always drawn to widows. I worked with them, I took care of them, fetched water or firewood for some and all that. I always desired to do one thing or another for them. As a kid, I used to tell my mother that when I grow up and get money, I would buy slippers for all the widows that go on barefoot and she would just be laughing at me. You know, due to poverty and depressive experiences that widows go through, especially in the villages, some of them go barefooted due to abject poverty. It started like that and now, I would have to do special saving from January to December to be able to cope with the financial demand and other logistics needed to organise party for the widows and take care of them.
How have you been coping with the ever-rising number of widows that attend your annual Widows’ party?
Honestly, it has not been easy, but God has been seeing us through. When we started the annual party, we had only about 150 to 200 participants. But the number kept rising astronomically such that we had to start vetting them to trim the number to our capacity. During the last party, we accommodated over 600 of them. But we are working hard and praying for support to ensure that we can accommodate as many as are available in the coming years. When I was the First Lady, I took in everybody no matter the number, even gate-crashers. But I no longer have such capacity now. For instance, if you are budgeting for 500 women, only their transport allowance of N2, 000.00 will take N1 million. Then you talk about extra cash to cover their wrappers, food, drinks and other gift items plus the special guests that usually come from far and wide to honour our invitation.
In other climes, this kind of project usually attracts enormous support, partnership and sponsorship but it is almost the opposite here. How do you feel about that?
Like I mentioned earlier, it would be a big relief and morale-boosting for us to enjoy major partnership, either locally and internationally. But we cannot fold our arms and keep waiting for uncertain help when many widows are virtually feeding on suffering and abject poverty. Some of them have no shelter and have nobody to turn to for assistance. Some of them have no money to feed while others have sundry other problems. So, we will continue to do our best within the limits of our resources and hoping that someday, more spirited individuals and organisations will notice our little efforts and be encouraged to key into it.
Why do you usually insist that the annual party features praise, worship and deliverance segments?
That is non-negotiable because it is actually the core substance of the programme. I have never done it without ensuring that the women get enriched spiritually. We usually invite high-profile clerics from across the country to minister to us at the event, which has been paying off. Every participant usually goes home renewed. As you know, we have had several lames walk, the blind see and the deaf hear, just as many widows have witnessed liberations and economic transformation after attending the programme. So, the party is not only an avenue to entertain the women and offer them cash and gift items, but an avenue to also offer them spiritual liberation and enrichment for themselves and their families. And I always feel great when I see the women encounter Jesus in special ways at our parties. That is my ultimate fulfilment.

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