
Saturday 18 April 2015

Bayelsa guber: Jonathan’s loyalists move against Dickson

DicksonAs the dust settles gradually over the outcome conduct of the presidential, National As­sembly and governorship elections in Nigeria, loyal­ists of President Goodluck Jonathan have concluded plans to move against Governor Henry Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa to en­sure he is denied the gov­ernorship ticket for a sec­ond term.
The anti- Dickson ele­ments who had hoped to move against Dickson after Jonathan had been declared winner of the March 28 presidential election have decided to go ahead with their plans even though Jon­athan lost to the All Progres­sive Congress (APC) candi­date, General Muhammadu Buhari.

According to investi­gations, those in the anti- Dickson camp are made of aggrieved party members, who are of the view that Bayelsa State would be lost to the APC if the PDP de­cides to field Dickson as its candidate in the governor­ship election slated for later this year.
The anti- Dickson camp, which is being coordinated from Abuja by a serv­ing senator and an aide to President Goodluck Jona­than, who is also a loyal­ist of the First Lady, Mrs, Patience Jonathan, are go­ing to exploit the division in the party arising from imposition of National As­sembly and state House of Assembly candidates, at­tempted suspension of the party chairman and grow­ing resentment of Bayelsans against the Dickson admin­istration to make a case for the national leadership of the party not to field him as the candidate.
Already, a group, Net­work for Bayelsa Peoples Forum( NBPF), has ex­pressed concern over the possibility of PDP, return­ing the Bayelsa State gov­ernor, Henry Seriake Dick­son, as the party flag bearer in the governorship election scheduled .
The Chairman of group, Mr. Ibipa Oweiza, in a state­ment in Yenagoa, the Bay­elsa State capital, lamented that Governor Dickson has squandered the goodwill of the party in the state, as ma­jority of the electorate in the state are already yearning for change...expdonaloaded.blogspot.com
The group is of the view that if PDP insists on field­ing the incumbent governor as the party candidate in the next governorship election, they should as well consider that they will lose the state to
any opposition political party that will also be vying for the Creek Heaven seat of power.
According to them, go­ing by the trend in the country as witnessed in the just concluded general elec­tion, any attempt to impose the incumbent governor on the people of the state, will lead to mass defection and serious anti-party activities as most PDP members will work against the interest of the ruling parting in the state.
The leadership of the group said, they are par­ticularly worried about the governor’s penchant to insti­gate controversy, which has already torn the party apart.
His words: “Two months ago, Governor Dickson caused the suspension of Col. Sam Inokoba, the state chairman of PDP, against wise counsel. This action has already polarised the party in the state. Recently, the governor has instigated a sectional leadership of the party in the state to institute investigation and probe of very senior party members including a serving Senator, Emmanuel Paulker and the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Domestic Matter for anti-party activi­ties with the deliberate in­tention of fanning embers of discord.”

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