
Saturday 6 December 2014

Singaporean companies jostle to invest in Nigeria – Rajis-Okpara

Nigeria-usedisThe High Commis­sioner of Nigeria to Singapore, Mrs. Nonye Rajis-Ok­para has commended the leadership of the Nigerian Stock Exchange, Oscar Onyema, the Chief Ex­ecutive Officer and his team for the foresight and wisdom in organising the Road Show and bring­ing the thriving Nigerian capital markets and the abundant opportunities of Africa’s largest economy, to the doorstep of Asia’s economies.

In her opening remark at the Nigeria Stock Exchange Asia Road show, Mrs. Ra­jis-Okpara, stated that the choice of location was per­fect as the Island State can be considered as the gate­way not only for the South­east Asian markets for the entire Asia Pacific region. “It is indeed a great honour for me to participate in this important event, the Nigeria Stock Exchange Asia Road Show. I am particularly happy that Singapore was chosen to kick off the Asian Road Show. She expressed delight seeing some of the top echelon of captains and chieftains of industries, as well as, the cream of the crop of Nigerian private sector in Singapore.
“Your respective roles in job creation and overall con­tributions to the growth of the Nigerian economy as we have it today, has made huge positive impacts in the lives of many, particularly the youth of our society. Your great efforts towards nation building will be remembered by posterity,” She said.
She further revealed that there are over 20 Singapor­ean companies established and doing business suc­cessfully in Nigeria, saying, “There are hundreds of Sin­gaporean companies, who are interested in doing busi­ness in Nigeria. Altogether, Nigeria’s excellent growth potential and high rate of return for investors, grow­ing population, and rising political and macroeconomic stability are all important parameters for attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
According to the High Commissioner, the presence of a large spectrum of the Ni­gerian private sectors at the Road Show has provided an excellent platform to forge strategic partnerships with Singapore companies and urged them to seize the op­portunity for mutually ben­eficial joint ventures.

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