
Thursday 27 November 2014

Obiano to build doctors quarters in 37 general hospitals

obiano newIn continuation of his administration’s three-pronged strategy for the development of the health sector which takes into account infrastruc­ture development, provi­sion of medical equipment to health institutions, and welfare of the medical staff, Anambra State Governor, Chief Willie Obiano, has given assurance that he would build staff quarters to provide accommodation within the hospitals for doctors and nurses in the 37 general hospitals across the state.

He said Onitsha, Enugwu-ukwu and Ekwulobia General hospitals would be upgraded to provide comprehensive healthcare in the three senato­rial zones.
The governor made this known while inspecting a staff quarters project at the Gen­eral Hospital, Okija in Ihiala Local Government Area. He observed that the one-storey building comprising of four and three bedroom flats would be replicated in all the general hospitals in the state within two years. Governor Obiano ex­plained that his government considered the provision of ac­commodation to medical staff very important for the general well being of Ndi Anambra. According to Obiano, “housing doctors and nurses within the hospital premises would en­able them provide regular ser­vices to the people and respond promptly to emergencies.”
The Chief Medical Officer of the hospital, Dr. Nnamdi Uliagbafusi, requested the governor’s intervention in pro­viding electricity and building perimeter fencing as well as re­suscitating the collapsed bore­hole in the area.
Also speaking, a commu­nity leader, Chief Chudi Any­aeji, expressed gratitude to the governor for his various inter­ventions in the area and assured that members of the communi­ty were expressing support for his administration.
In a related development Governor Obiano inaugurated the distribution of multi-mil­lion naira hospital equipment, drugs and educational materi­als to various primary health centres and schools at Ogidi in Idemili North Local Govern­ment Headquarters. He assured that the distribution would take place simultaneously in 21 lo­cal government areas of the state.
The governor said the equip­ment and drugs would help to reposition the primary health centre as first contact on health issues, stressing that the state government was working to ensure that all the centres were revamped within the next nine months.
Governor Obiano said while work was ongoing at the 37 general hospitals, the Onitsha, Enugwu-ukwu and Ekwulobia General Hospitals would be equipped with the state-of-the-art facilities to provide compre­hensive healthcare in the three senatorial zones.
The governor also inaugurat­ed the equipment distribution at Ekwusigo Local Government Headquarters, Ozubulu, and that of Anaocha Local Govern­ment Area at Neni.
Flagging off the distribu­tion, Governor Obiano said the state government was spending huge resources to equip all cat­egories of hospitals across the state to serve the people better and provide quality healthcare delivery closer to the people
The Commissioner for Eco­nomic Planning and Budget, Prof. Solo Chukwudobelu, disclosed that the materials and equipment distributed in Ekwusigo were valued at N67 million; while the medical equipment and education mate­rials being distributed in prima­ry health centres and schools in Anaocha Local Government Area are valued at about N75 million.
Meanwhile, Governor Obi­ano has commissioned a new three-bedroom bungalow at Obeledu Primary Health Cen­tre in Anaocha Local Govern­ment Area and potable water scheme at the centre. The proj­ects were executed under the 2013 MDGs Conditional Grant Scheme.

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