
Tuesday 2 December 2014

Buhari: The politics of religion (2)

Buhari1Being concluding part of Prof Tam David-West essay.

The fact is that both Buhari and Idiagbon were so selected (honoured) by The Supreme Military Council, on which we also had top Christian officers. These contemptible Buhari traducers or phobics are shamelessly glamourising falsehood.  Freedom of speech. Yes. But not freedom to lie. No. No. No.

Buhari’s religious open-mindedness. My personal examples
In 1984, OPEC wanted to hold a session of its meeting on December 25, Christmas Day. I was a lone voice of protest. The other oil ministers were Muslims. I was necessarily overruled. But I was not cowed. I stood my ground. My final submission: “Your Excellencies you can continue. But without Nigeria. As a Christian and the leader of the Nigerian delegation, I am pulling out my delegation to celebrate Christmas at home. We will join you afterwards, if need be. We should respect each other’s religious faith. Let me assure you that though a Christian, I will also object to OPEC meeting being held on the day of Eid Maulud, Prophet Mohammed’s birthday celebration.”
The Nigerian delegation pulled out from Geneva on December 23. It made international news. The oil market was poised to react. On arrival to Lagos, I went to report to my Head of State, General Buhari. It was ironic that some Christian phobics of mine even urged the Head of State, General Buhari to sack me. Two of them are even Knights of the Roman Catholic Church. One of them was so shaken up when he came to know that I have been aware of his conspiracy; he went to my adored friends Dele Giwa (late) and Ray Ekpu to make peace between us. I forgave him.
Buhari’s decision/reaction
He did not sack me. He even commended my courage and principle. To crown it all, both himself and Idiagbon later sent me Christmas gifts. The Saudi Oil Minister, Sheikh Zaman also sent me Christmas gift from Rhiyad. Thus, those parading that Buhari is anti-Christian are simply talking nonsense. Rubbish. Rubbish. Rubbish.
Buhari’s so-called u-turn on contesting again:
I will not comment on it. Buhari’s “Presidential race: Why I changed my mind-Buhari” (Daily SUN October 14, 2014 page 5) should be adequate to any serious-minded and open-minded responsible person. People who are not intellectually fraudulent in their claims to be acting in the bigger interest of society! The intellectual fraudulence of this anti-Buhari is made even more manifest when they shut their eyes to several serial u-turns of their master: President Jonathan. I refer to: “Jonathan’s Top 10 2011 broken promises” (The Nation On Sunday November 16, 2014 page 9).
I am constrained to add his mega u-turn that in 2011 he vowed that he will do only a single term if elected. His man, Tafida, confirmed.
He himself, Jonathan, publicly and unequivocally also asserted so in Addis Ababa while interacting with Nigerians in The Diaspora: “Nigerians in the Diaspora will not vote in 2011 it is going to be difficult now, but I will assure you that I will work towards it by 2015 even though I will not be running for election: (The Nation On Sunday ibid page 10).
What of the signed agreement with the North? Obasanjo was not lying. The Northern governors were not lying. Question: Have they now chickened out, lily livered to confront him? Mortal fear of EFCC and skeletons in cupboards? Instructive indeed.
Muslim-Muslim ticket disinformation and hypocrisy:
Disinformation, because the core issues are conveniently distorted to serve personal sinister causes. Hypocrisy, because most of the articulators are not even known to be faithful religious men. Some have many times even openly been anti-Christ.
Frank Talk by Steve Nwosu, a foremost columnist and scholarly analyst in the Daily SUN October 29, 2014 back page): “The Muslim-Muslim Ticket” is superb in depth, logic and construction.  A must read for the open-minded.
Some particular excerpts:
“Politicians know there are only two goals: money and power.”
“So somebody should tell OBJ and his co-travelers that there is no big deal in this Muslim-Muslim or Christian-Christian ticket.”
“Incompetence has no religion. Performance worships at the altar of commitment and public service, not mosque, not church. It needs no rosary or candle of whatever colour.”
Some other engaging write-ups:
“Buhari don’t fly the Muslim/Muslim Kite” (Daily SUN October 29, 2014 page 21) by Wale Sokunbi. It is intriguing to note that writers seem to have already concluded that Buhari is clearly the choice for APC.
Daniel Kanu’s: “APC and Muslim-Muslim ticket debate” (The Niche on Sunday November 02, 2014 page 16) is a must read. Superb.
The other rich article is “Religious Politics: Toying with Fire” by C. Don Adinuba (Daily SUN November 12, 2014 page 20).
Obasanjo may be right somewhat that it may be “insensitive” especially in contemporary times when President Jonathan, has elevated divisive religious and ethnic politics to the level of religions. But I disagree with Obasanjo that a Muslim-Muslim ticket is necessarily absurd. No. Never.
I also argue that even the “insensitivity” part should be seen in context and not out of context in order to fully place everything in better perspective and circumspection. Politics is said to be an art of the possible.
Furthermore, “Idealism is important in politics. But in the final analysis, it is Realism that dictates how fast we run.” (Kinnok)
In other words, pragmatism is central to the dynamics of politics, which is to win in elections. However, pragmatism should not be disconnected from moral or ethical imperatives. This is where politics and religion meet. Religion should sanitize politics. (Ghandi). “We cannot overlook religion in politics” (The Nation On Sunday November 16, 2014 page 69) by Evangelist Dr. Uma Ukpai, one of the few non-politicised pastors I respect. I will specifically address this later.
Obasanjo versus Pastor/CAN Chairman
There were sectarian killings in Jos in 2005. President Obasanjo was late to visit. And when he finally visited the local pastor, who was also the Chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Plateau State, humbly expressed they had been expecting the president sooner. What was Obasanjo, now the great defender of Christianit’s reaction? He called the pastor an “IDIOT.” He further went on to bellow: “CAN my foot.” All these in public! I recounted this in my Bishop Mike Okonkwo’s Sixth Annual Lecture, Shell Hall, Muson Centre, Lagos September 01 2005; serialized by The Guardian September 06/08 2005.
Obasanjo and the form of Government versus Good Governance
Obasanjo’s new thesis on the importance of the form or structure of government is patently different from his earlier “thesis” published in his book, “Africa Embattled” 1988 page 59. Hear him: “At this crucial juncture of our development I believe that ordinary Nigerians are more concerned with the substance of government than its form (emphasis, mine). This is redolent of a similar position by Alexander Pope, hundreds of years earlier: “For forms of government let fools contest, whatever is best administered is best.”
Governor Samuel Ogbemudia, at the peak of his good governance in Bendel State in one of his famous public lectures also stressed: “the delivery of good governance, and downgraded its form of origin.”
Lastly, Steve Nwosu, in his “The Muslim-Muslim ticket (Daily SUN October 29, 2014 back page): “Incompetence has no religion. Performance worships at the altar of commitment and public service, not mosque, not church.”
Perhaps I should respectfully also remind Obasanjo that he was once emphatic and unequivocal that “Nigeria is not a secular state, OBJ declares (The Monitor On Saturday March 22, 2003. Front page splash). So, why the now all the said “insensitivity” or “absurdity” of a hypothetical “Muslim-Muslim Ticket”
The anti-Muslim-Muslim ticket advocates greatly ruined their case by failing to focus on the felt core or fundamental issues at stake. Instead of this their advocacy clearly gives the impression that it is part, or a variant of the tagging Buhari anti-Christian campaign of calumny. Thus, they sometimes sink to ad hominem attacks on his person rather than focusing on the issues.
It is most refreshing that because of the antics or ploy of the anti-Muslim-Muslim ticket, Buhari has once again come out to present and strongly and convincingly make the case of his open-mindedness, liberal on religious issues.
For instance, in 2003 his running mate was Chuba Okadigbo, Roman Catholic, Ibo. In 2007 it was Edwin Ume-Ezeoke, Roman Catholic, Ibo. In 2011 it was even a popular renowned Christian pastor, Tunde Bakare. It is therefore most unacceptable and factually fraudulent for any South-East to print Buhari anti-Ibo. Nonsense. One of his chosen Ibo running mate even later betrayed him for personal gains with Jonathan. Buhari has emphasized Ibo in governance more than any other leader.
I was drawn to tears when Buhari lamented: “Honestly, what do Nigerians want me to do? If they don’t believe I’m not a fundamentalist. What else can I do?” (The Niche On Sunday November 02, 2014 page 16 column 2). These bunch of Buhari phobics are being intellectually fraudulent if they fail to commend him for always going to the open public space to make his case – all cards on the table face up. No other leader in our history has even come near this.
It must be stressed that Buhari is not subjecting himself to these unwarranted indignities because he wants to serve and loot like most, if not all the other leaders.
Why should he be so humiliated and harassed simply because he wants to serve Nigeria for the sake of service simpliciter – to give greater happiness for the greater number. He is not corrupt. He is incorruptible. He is disciplined. He is honest and reliable. A man of impeccable integrity. A very rare gem in Nigeria’s headship history. Buhari has no estates. No oil blocks. No jets. No personal private university. No business concerns. Challenges detractors to a moral contest. They all chickened out.
Buhari “a man of principle and moral absolutes who has made a name for probity and integrity.” (General Abdulsalami Abubakar)
All the above by our great former Head of State, General Abdulsalami A. Abubakar, GCFR, CSG. Forward to the book: “Who Really Is General Muhammadu Buhari? By Professor Tam David-West 2009.
Finally, at this juncture, I wish to say that I will not waste any precious time on Femi Fani-Kayode only to say that I am proud – very proud dyed-in-the wool “Buharite.” And I have been consistent over time. No regrets. No apologies.
This brings me to a beautiful rebuttal to one of Femi Fani-Kayode’s usual hasty and breezy outings by the priest (now Bishop) scholar, polished intellectual. A great messenger of The Almighty, Matthew Hassan Kukah. I refer to his demolition of Femi Fani-Kayode in his “Priest, Politician and More” (The Guardian On Sunday March 17, 1996 page A11).
“We see Fani-Kayode as being merely a Pentecostal Christian and Yoruba man” (Kukah).
“I dare Fani-Kayode to take up the challenge of improving the polity and see if you will hear from me again.” (Kukah).
Bishop Kukah is a seasoned priest, intellectual giant; never known to be frivolous or partial, a great objective commentator, analyst of issues of public interest. He went through very rigorous training as priest; indeed like all his colleagues. He is not a crash-programme priest. He never flirts with power elites. Bold. Courageous.
Running Mates in History. The National Beauty Jonathan’s Nigeria has soiled
Abiola v. Kingibe (Muslims) won decisively in the most transparent and free election. Voted for across the country no ethnicity. No religious divisiveness.
Lateef Jakande (Muslim) the wonder-governor of Lagos State, had Alhaji Rafiu Jafojo (Muslim) as running mate. Landslide victory with Muslim and Christian votes.
Chief Bola Ige, Christian, had Chief Sunday Afolabi (Christian) as running mate. They won, landslide with both Christian and Muslim votes.
Professor Jerry Gana, Christian resoundingly won election to the Senate in a constituency in Niger State with over 90% Muslim.
For more I refer to Don Adinuba’s “Religious Politics….” (Daily SUN November 12, 2014 page 20).
The case of the Mayor of Enugu in the 1950’s is a shining example of Nigeria’s former religious accommodation. Alhaji Umam Altine, a Muslim, Fulani was Mayor of Enugu, the capital of the Eastern Region. He was so sponsored by the great Zik (Christian) himself.
I paid regular visits to Mayor Altine in 1956 when I was living temporally with an uncle in Enugu after the University College Ibadan (UCI) was closed down for student unrest, and we were rusticated. It was my first year undergraduate.
He, Mayor Altine encouraged me to be writing for the Zik’s paper “Sentinel” to occupy me. My first article: “Day Dreams In Exile” was personally received by him. Yes indeed “Once There was a Country” (Achebe). We also regularly discussed Nigeria.
The point I am making is that the current embers of conflictual religious faiths, Christianity and Islam are convenient ploys to answer to personal prejudices or obsessions by persons who are neither practicing Christians nor politicians with integrity.
Christianity and Islam
These great faiths should be complementary to each other and not conflictual. However, politicians of either faith, serious or unserious exploit religious sentiments to answer to personal goals. I have over time interested myself with interplay of Religion and Politics. “Religion and Politics (Sunday Tribune 15 July, 1990 page 8).
“Politics and Religion: A Synthesis” or “Between Politics and Religion” (The Guardian On Sunday 31 March, 1996 Page A11).
The word “Religion” is derived from Latin meaning “Bind Together,” “Tie up.” No fighting. “Islam” and “Christianity” are not, should not, be in collision course. They should complement each other being “children” or “offshoots” of same ‘parent,’ Judaism”
Let me refer to two relevant books of interest: “The Bible The Qur’an and Science” by Maurice Bucaille, “Comparing the Qur’an and the Bible” by Rich Richter.
I must also mention that in addition to my Bibles I also have a copy of “The Holy Qur’an Text, Translation and Commentary” by A. Yusuf Ali, a gift by The Aare Muslumi of Yorubaland, Alhaji Arisekola Alao, date 21 September, 1985.
Religionisation of politics
I have always held that we should bring religion into politics. But take out politics from religion. “For a lasting and stable polity we should take politics out of religion, but bring in religion (Codes of Conduct) into politics” (The Guardian On Sunday March 31, 1990 page A11 last paragraph).
If the codes (Dos and Don’ts) of religion are injected into politics, politics will be necessarily sanitized of all filth. No election rigging, No cheating. No corruption. Love will take over from hate. Real democracy will be realized. There will be justice, peace and progress.
My religious pedigree
I have a Christian (Anglican) pedigree of over 100 (106) years at least. I am in fact, a Fundamentalist Anglican. Both my paternal and maternal grandfathers, High Chief David-West (Fubara) and High Chief Kio Dick Harry (Tiriah) were pioneer Christians in the Kalabari Kingdom, sometimes at great personal risk. The early Christian missionaries were, as expected, not welcome. They left to avoid trouble.
High Chief (Opu-alabo) David-West personally went to plead with Bishop Dandeson Samuel Ajayi Crowther to return to Kalabari. The Bishop was reluctant. It was my paternal grandfather who eventually convinced the Bishop to change his mind. It took David-West four such visits. Compromise solution. The Bishop will be his personal guest, friend and will stay with him in his house. All security guaranteed. Bishop Dandeson agreed to the terms. He started the church (now St Michael’s Anglican Church) at the ground floor of David-West’s two-storey building.
David-West later complained to the Bishop that he was not comfortable having God downstairs and he upstairs. The Bishop failed to convince him that God is everywhere. Omnipresent. Compromise: David-West had to put up a bungalow at the entrance to the David-West’s compound for the church. This is where the present elegant Cathedral of St. Michael’s Church stands. He also ordered for the church bell from London and also built the first belfry. All these were in 1908.
I continue to thank Chief (Dr.) Lulu-Barango for showing me written church records of 1925 to authenticate these. There many more about David-West and the Church. He passed on January 17, 1925.
My maternal grandfather, Opu-alabo Tiriah, along with few other chiefs founded the Our Saviour’s African Church. This was in 1913. He was also a leading member of the famous Bishop Garrick Braide’s Pentecostal Church. The torch of Christianity has been passed on from generation to generation in the family. It will so continue by His Special Divine Grace.
Why the above religious pedigree? Simple. If I ever suspect, even with the slightest evidence that Buhari is anti-Christian, I will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER have anything to do with him. Metaphorically, I will borrow winged legs from the Greek, Fidipedis, and run away from him very fast.
Things about religion go deep into one’s bone marrows, those of politics only end on the epidemis.
Buhari, is never anti-Christians as addressed in this discourse.
I was on the choir of St. Michaels Church, Buguma.
I have been invited to lead religious fellowships in Nigeria and abroad.
I have preached the sermon on Sunday at the Vom (Plateau State) Church (1962). I have also preached at a Methodist Church in the United States; I was also guest speaker at Oregon, also in U.S. Along with the famous Reverend Martin Luther King, I was also Guest Speaker at the 18th Christian Ecumenical World Congress at Athens, Ohio, United States. All these were during my student days in the US. 1958-1962.
King was assassinated before I could honour his invitation to visit his church. May his soul rest in perfect peace with the Almighty. Amen.
Finally, none of the vociferous loud-mouthed, dark-hearted anti-Buhari can boast of religious pedigree as rich as mine. They cannot, as the saying goes, be more Roman Catholic than the Pope. Buhari is not, never, anti-Christian.
Let me conclude by appealing to all that in 2015 our different religious ethics should be paramount in our mind in voting for the President (and also other officers). Aspirants throwing money around are public thieves, looters. The bribe money they offer is public money (our money) recycled to corrupt us for their selfish ends. Why should one take all the trouble to buy votes to enable him serve the public? Hidden Agenda to mega loot if elected. Let’s say NO NO NO.

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